dated 7 Dec 2006
The conflict is not between Science and Christianity. It is between Scientists who are very definite (I don't want to use the word dogmatic) about their views, though knowledge on our world is still evolving, and Christians who are also very definite about their understanding of the Bible, though the Bible gives only snippets of information on our world. So there. The bad thing is, it's this "mob" that makes it sound like there is conflict between Science and Christianity. The silent majority feel there is no conflict, but the impression the mob gives to the world is that, there is and it's a big one. So, outsiders may have the impression that Christians "don't think," don't believe in Science or are even afraid of Science. A new book by Dr. Vern Poythress, "Redeeming Science," is a voice for us silent majority. (Info on the book can be found here: Thanks to a friend for this reference.) On the other hand, Science does give us that feeling of awe over God's creation and His character as the Creator God. In fact, the testimony of the awesome creation around us, for the presence of the Creator God, is enough to send a non-believer to Hell. However, Science - the study of creation around us - cannot bring us to a saving knowledge of God. It is for that purpose that besides nature, God had to send a book called the Bible (the Word) and then make that book into flesh (Jesus Christ) as well, that His message of salvation could be effectively transmitted to us. =) Cheers!