He Is

On the Rough Roads of Planet Earth

Old notes taken mostly from my personal time with God. We're moving house again, so, I guess we're back to being, literally, pilgrims on the Rough Roads of Planet Earth. (Photo taken on a road to the Waitangi Treaty Grounds, North Auckland, NZ, Dec 2009.)

Monday, May 31, 2021

Happiness and Wellness

This blogsite very much reflects my passion for happiness, wellness, peace, and spiritual and emotional well-being. At the moment what concerns us all is wellness and safety from COVID19. That's the reality of the year 2020 to the present.  It is my hope, together with all of you out there, that this pandemic whittles into thin air sooner than later. At this point I hope you agree with me that the more info we know the better we can fight this pandemic. Truly, that only confirms what the LORD always tells us in His holy book, 

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge..." (Hosea 4:6) 

Knowledge is gold - true in the Bible age and even more so in these times. 

"The Law of Your mouth is better to me 

Than thousands of gold and silver pieces."

(Psalm 119:72)

We need all the wisdom, understanding, counsel and knowledge that comes from the LORD. The primary place to find those? It's the Bible, the word of God.

In the same way, it will do us good to know as much scientific knowledge on COVID, its treatment and the touted "vaccines" against it.  So we are all eyes and ears on the news from the trusted tv channels, radio stations, newspapers, the worldwide web, social media. So much info! It's a deluge of information out there. How do we wade through, digest, curate and vet them all? Which ones are truly important, truly truthful, truly reliable and essential to bring relief and salvation from COVID? Wow, I used the word "true" so many times! I guess I'm wary of lies, hoaxes and flip flops.

I have waded through quite a bit of info - from the news agencies on the internet, YouTube, the social media, etc., and here's one gem of a vid I gleaned from the lot. This presentation was banned from Facebook but I believe in science where there are scientists having differing ideas at solving a problem. They respect one another, they discuss and evaluate one another's ideas and nobody's opinion is less valuable than that of others. I believe every expert's and researcher's ideas should be heard, especially at a time as this, when nobody seems to have the answer to this disease we're faced with. Scientists are also not afraid of people asking questions. In a science community they have what they call "different schools of thought"  and they are all valuable contributions to the collective knowledge used in dealing with a problem. As they say, there are many ways to kill a cat. For example, on the origin of the species, we have both the Evolution Theory of Charles Darwin and the Creation Theory of the Judeau-Christian thought. When it comes to losing weight one can have a choice of doing the keto diet or the low carbo-high protein diet, the gluten-free diet, the pilates diet, vegetarian diet, etc. All are scientific and no one group of proponents denegrates or cancels the other. Even in food handling, there are many ways of preservation - by dehydration, canning, freezing, freeze-drying, pickling, etc. If I wish to go to the North Pole I can travel by land, by sea, by air or by all three. There are just so many ways of achieving the same end result in almost all facets of our lives. This is what we call academic freedom. It is simply the freedom to think on how to solve a problem. With COVID-19, many scientists, doctors and pharmaceutical companies say the way to go is by vaccines. But some experts, medical practitioners, administrators and researchers also say the better way is to do it through treatment. The debate goes on but sadly, the vaccine advocates seem to have steamrolled the treatment proponents down. Simply because they have more clout. The world governments are aggressively pushing the vaccines on everyone and they have withheld the available treatments from their peoples. Whatever happened to academic freedom and freedom of choice? 

I am posting here a link to a 28-min info-packed video. Every minute of it is worth a listen. But if for any reason you can't access it, you have the choice of reading the transcription instead. I may have missed a word or phrase here and there - it is not perfect - but I believe I captured at least 95% of what the speaker said. I tried to stick to the word-for-word transcription of the lecture as much as possible. I also highlighted the points I consider important.

So, here goes. https://www.facebook.com/alyciacooley/posts/10224925405152258


Cooley, Alycia (2021, Apr 3). I don’t think you’ll be seeing him on the news. [Public Facebook Update]. Retrieved May 6, 2021 from https://www.facebook.com/alyciacooley/posts/10224925405152258


This is a re-blog. If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2021, May 31). “Happiness and Wellness” [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://purejoyland.com/2021/05/happiness-and-wellness/

Sunday, November 29, 2020

America in the Balance


“My fellow Americans, I stand here with all the feelings that I do, disgusted with this lie, that Biden has been chosen…

As if we all don’t know the truth.
And when one tries to deceive we know that one can’t get away with it. There will be a price to pay. The ones who are jumping for joy now are jumping toward the harm they will be in for.

Because I know the promises being made from the Left to the American people will never come to be.

My friends of all colors, races and religions, this is now our greatest fight since the Civil War – the battle of Righteousness versus Satan. Yes, Satan.

Because these Leftists are evil, corrupt, and they want to tear down this nation.
We must not allow this. We must fight this corruption that has taken over and fight for the good that seems lost.

Let us give our trust to God and fight now for Trump‘s victory, because we all know this ballot count is corruption like they are. So let us not back down, let us fight this fight as if it is our last fight on earth.

As Muhammad Ali said, “It is not over, till the last punch you have.”

God bless…” – Jon Voight
How the Left ripped this vid apart in scoffing, mockery and derision on YouTube is unbelievable. Obviously, they are very much unnerved by the simplicity of the message of this “old man.” For me, Mr. Jon Voight is not just an old man filled with wisdom from his years, he is also the celebrated Best Actor from the movie “Coming Home.” People of my age would remember that although many young people nowadays wouldn’t know that movie. It was one of the most poignant movies produced in my growing up years, inspired by the tragically infamous Vietnam War of the 1960’s. I do have great respect for Mr. Voight. Of course, most importantly, I admire him for standing up to his convictions and I agree with what he says. I’m posting this here for wider viewing just in case YouTube scrubs it off its platform. Enjoy!



LifeSiteNews. (2020, Nov 18). “Actor Jon Voight urges Americans to ‘fight now for Trump’s victory’” [Vid Post]. Retrieved Nov 28, 2020 from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R_a3Fmtf1ug


This is a re-blog. If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2020, Nov 28). “America in the Balance” [Blog Post]. Retrieved from

Saturday, November 28, 2020

New York is on PAUSE Over Coronavirus

As of today, a Google search on the latest on the COVID-19 yields this worldwide statistics:

To see the latest counts, click here.

New York State has overnight become the epicenter of this outbreak clocking in about 5% of the world’s total infections at 20,875 as of this morning. There are 12,305 cases in the city of New York alone and a total of 157 deaths in the whole state. New Yorkers like me are bracing for the worst. A week ago it was Italy, now it’s us.

Gov. Cuomo had put in place a state of “PAUSE” for the state of New York, instead of the more encompassing “shelter-in” put in place in California, another hotspot of the virus. PAUSE is the acronym for the 10-point “policy to assure uniform safety for everyone.” Effective 8pm on Sunday, Mar 22, all non-essential businesses are closed. Essential businesses are pharmacies, food shops and groceries. Public transportation is also running. Social distancing is mandated, which means that food shops serve only takeouts and people are supposed to stay home and go out only if essentially necessary. They are supposed to keep a distance of 6 feet away from one another if they are out. The use of sanitizers is also mandated and they are provided to the customers of business establishments that remain open. Outdoor recreational activities are discouraged and limited to non-contact ones.

As a Bible-believing Christian, this coronavirus scourge reminds me of the First Passover which happened roughly 3,600 years ago, in Egypt. The children of Israel had to stay indoors as the angel of death passed by and claimed the lives of the firstborns of Egypt. The blood of the Passover lamb smeared on the lentils and doorposts of the Israelites’ homes warded off the angel of death that swept through the region that night. The firstborns of Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh to the firstborn of their slaves and prisoners all died, but all of the children of Israel were spared. It was a grim picture of sorrow, death and loss for the Egyptians but a picture of freedom and hope for the children of Israel who, on the same night, received their freedom to leave Egypt and their life of slavery in that land.

How does that story impact us today? It would be so easy to just regard that Bible account as some strange phenomenon in the past, classified among the many mysterious events in history that no one can explain, curious and spectacular as they might seem. But the Jewish people still celebrate Passover to this day, and so do the Christians, indirectly. For the Jews it is the commemoration of their freedom from slavery as a nation in Egypt 3,600 years ago. For the Christians, the historic day that their Savior Jesus Christ was crucified and died was on the first day of Passover 2,000 years ago in Jerusalem, Israel. According to the Bible, Jesus is the Passover Lamb who, 2,000 years ago, fulfilled the Passover sacrificial lamb foreshadowed by the First Passover in Egypt, 3,600 years ago. Yes, the first Passover was a prophetic event that had its fulfillment at the Cross in Calvary 1,600 years later. That day is traditionally immortalized by their annual observance of Good Friday. Easter, a most important Christian holiday second only to Christmas, falls on the third day after Good Friday. Easter Sunday is the day when Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead after he died on Passover. Passover is celebrated for 8 days by the Jewish community. It spans a week. Now you would think Passover would fall on the same week the Christians celebrate their Good Friday and Easter. But no, they don’t, because they use two different calendars to calculate when this week falls in each year. Interestingly though, this year, Passover week for the Jews falls on the same week as Holy Week for the Christians. Passover starts on April 8, Wednesday and ends on April 16, Thursday. On the other hand, Holy Week starts on Maundy Thursday, April 9 and ends on Easter Sunday, April 12. It also looks like the coronavirus worldwide escalation might peak that same week.

God had been speaking through signs and wonders, moons and seasons to our generation. It looks like He is speaking loudly to us once again through the COVID-19. It is only fitting that we PAUSE, pun intended, stay indoors and ponder in our hearts about God and what He’s saying to us at Passover and Holy Week this year.

Keep safe, keep distancing, eat well, sleep enough and live healthy, dear friends! Young ones, this is not the time to visit grandma and grandpa. Use Zoom or Skype to spend “face time” with them. “A merry heart is good medicine.” Watch a comedy and chat with friends over the phone to keep happy and healthy! Let’s keep our spirits and immune system up as we weather through this coronavirus challenge. It will also do well to pray for protection for our first responders – the firefighters, doctors, nurses, caregivers and everyone in the front lines – and wisdom for our government leaders who have to make swift and wise decisions in these stressful times. Let us pray for provisions of more PPE (personal protective equipment) for our medical practitioners and more hospital beds as we are suffering shortages of those right now. Let us also pray for those already infected so they would recover, and for peace and comfort for the families who have lost loved ones. Let us connect with our communities and extend practical help, like monetary donations, where needed and if we are able.

Let us keep cheerful and prayerful.


References Cited:

1) Danner, Stieb and Hart (2020, Mar 23). “Coronavirus in New York: Latest Updates” [ Mag Feature]. Retrieved Mar 23, 2020 from https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/03/new-york-coronavirus-cases-updates.html

2) Google.com (2020. Mar 23). (Search Result on Coronavirus Latest Updates). [Online Data]. Retrieved Mar 23, 2020 from https://www.google.com/search?q=New+York%2C+latest+on+coronavirus&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS883US883&oq=new+york%2C+latest+on+coronavirus&aqs=chrome.0.69i59.7574j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

3) health.ny.gov (2020, Mar 23). “New York State on PAUSE” [Site Update]. Retrieved Mar 23, 2020 from https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/new-york-state-pause


This is a re-blog. If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2020, Mar 23). "New York is on PAUSE Over Coronavirus" [Blog Post]. Retrieved from http://purejoyland.com/2020/03/new-york-pause/


Saturday, February 15, 2020

The Day After Valentine's 2020

Today is the day to shop for roses if you can still find them. They'll be half the price of yesterday - a real bargain! That's just for bargain-seekers like me, who also like roses, any day, anytime.

Well, I got expensive roses on a vase sitting in my living room, too! I know they are pricey because they were bought yesterday and it was Valentine's. The next most costly day to get them is probably on Christmas Eve. Hmmm, love... and roses. I'm just so blessed I have a daughter whose Valentine gave her flowers on the mandatory flower day.

I'm a mom and just like the many moms out there I just hope that my daughter will be happy and will actually one day marry her date, have a settled and stable life, maybe have kids. For life goes on and that's how it's meant to be. We can't run away from the realities that we all grow old, we pass on, and hopefully, we have children by our side who would help us in the years when we are frail and need help. We also hope that our children will have children who will have the same heart of compassion to do likewise for their parents, and so on. Yes, nursing homes and retirement plans are there, but it is never the same to grow old surrounded by your own family who care for you.

So, what do we have on our plate today? The raging Coronavirus in China, the threat of locust swarms in Africa, the impeachment acquittal of President Trump, the upcoming US presidential race, Krushner's proposed peace plan for Israel and Palestine, Brexit, Megxit, the Oscars, the passing of Kobe Bryant, the viral American Airlines vid of a man repeatedly hitting a woman's reclined seat  in front of him? Today we have these challenges, losses or wins; tomorrow they may be a little bit different, but quite like the same. But the faithfulness of God never ends, His mercies are new every morning, and we manage through another day. Win or lose, He is in control of everything. We may be in dire circumstances for which we have no answers - utterly clueless how to turn things around for ourselves - but we can always wait on God and He would do it. What a great, mighty and loving God we have!
Yay! Valentine's Flowers!

19 Remember my affliction and my wandering, the wormwood and bitterness.
20 Surely my soul remembers
And is bowed down within me.
21 This I recall to my mind,
Therefore I have hope.
22 The Lord’s lovingkindnesses indeed never cease,
For His compassions never fail.
23 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
24 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I have hope in Him.”
25 The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the person who seeks Him.
26 It is good that he waits silently
For the salvation of the Lord.
Lamentations 3 (NASB)
This is a re-blog. If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2020, Feb 15). The Day After Valentine's 2020 [Blog Post]. Retrieved from  http://purejoyland.com/2020/02/the-day-after-valentines/ ‎

Why is the New Testament So Hard to Read Compared to Psalms or Proverbs?

27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery’; 28 but I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. 30 If your right hand makes you stumble, cut it off and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to go into hell.
31 “It was said, ‘Whoever sends his wife away, let him give her a certificate of divorce’; 32 but I say to you that everyone who divorces his wife, except for the reason of unchastity, makes her commit adultery; and whoever marries a divorced woman commits adultery. (Matt 5, NASB Version)
It's because of hard-hitting passages like the above. 😁 It's so much easier to read Psalms where you can cry to God with the Psalmist to help you with life's burdens and cares. But passages like the above from Matthew point us to the Savior in the Bible. We can't go through life without breaking any of God's commandments. Because that's what we are - sinners. But sin leads to entanglements, catastrophic consequences, illnesses and death - true signs that we need a Savior from sin and death - Jesus Christ. We need to receive Him into our hearts so we will have power to overcome sin. We need to be spiritually re-born.
12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name, 13 who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God. (John 1, NASB)
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
(John 3, NASB)
9 No one who is born of God practices sin, because His seed abides in him; and he cannot sin, because he is born of God. (1 John 3, NASB)
It is this "seed" - a deposit of the Holy Spirit - that comes into us when we receive Jesus into our hearts that gives us the power to overcome sin. This happens when we repent of our sins and make a covenant with Jesus, that in exchange for the life He laid down for you and me on the cross, we lay our own lives in return, promising to obey His commandments in the Bible. Without that commitment of total surrender of our lives and will to Jesus, no Covenant Relationship happens. Of course, we are human and we make mistakes and we break promises. But If the repentance and total turning around is done in all sincerity at one point in one's life, Jesus recognizes that, and a transaction actually happens. Once that transaction is in place we can still break promises but God doesn't because He's the Covenant-Keeping God. So, what does that mean? He will always turn you back to the right track to make sure you finish the race of overcoming sin, as much as possible, to enjoy Eternal Life now and forevermore. That is what it means to be born-again in Christ and to have Eternal Life.
This is also what sets Christianity apart from Religion. All the religions of the world teach us to follow certain rules to achieve Heaven or Immortality. In biblical Christianity God Himself came down and lived among us and imparted a part of Himself to live in us so we can attain Heaven and Eternal Life. God does not just throw at us a list of rules to follow but He Himself dwells in man to enable him to live out those rules and be united with God. As such, Christianity is not a religion, it is being in union with God.
This is a re-blog. If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2020, Feb 6). Why is the New Testament So Hard to Read Compared to Psalms or Proverbs? [Blog Post]. Retrieved from   http://purejoyland.com/2020/02/why-is-the-new-t…alms-or-proverbs/ ‎

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Happy New Year 2019!

New Year 2019 Fireworks, London

2018 was a great year for me. So many lessons and revelations, far more precious than the gardening lessons!

Early last year two of my family members and I attended a seminar called, “Emotionally Healthy Spirituality” based on the book of the same title by Pete Scazzero. Whoa, that brought my world upside-down. I learned two basic things from that eight-week course. First, I realized that I kind of deny or ignore negative feelings like anger, fear, sadness, because I am not supposed to feel those things as a believer of Jesus. Anger for example, is definitely a sin according to the Bible. (Ephesians 4:31 and Colossians 3:8) So, when I have that feeling I don’t think further of what goes into that feeling, I just tend to forget them. I know I have to forgive anyway. Whether it’s my fault or the other person’s fault, it does not matter. I have to forgive! Or it won’t go well for me. That’s just how the Christian life goes. If you do not forgive men their sins neither will your Father in Heaven forgive you your sins. (Matthew 6:14,15) However, whenever I did that I was not exactly dealing with it. I was just suppressing it or ignoring it. I did not realize that not dealing with it results to denying myself or the reality of my state of heart. So, what’s so bad about that? It hampers one’s growth spiritually and it also can result into more serious things. When anger is bottled up and left to ferment it can blow up at any unguarded time or worse, result into a physical illness or a psychological condition like depression. The course we did specifically mentioned anger, fear and sadness. I was guilty with denying anger.

The course taught us to “embrace” every emotion, even though it’s negative, and bring it to God to be dealt with. We need God to help us in our difficulties and for me, it was facing my negative emotion of anger. Sometimes, we are not even aware we have those emotions. Like guilt, or shame, how do we actually realize we have those? Even unforgiveness. This is what sometimes people call being “in touch” with our emotions or connecting with ourselves. We need time and quiet to reflect and connect with ourselves. So, when we’re really busy or we have too many things in our plate this connection just doesn’t happen.

The second life-changing lesson I learned was that I realized I parented my children exactly the way my parents parented me. I’m a born-again Christian. I am supposed to have been regenerated through the blood of Jesus, the Holy Spirit and the word of God. My parents were religious but they did not really know the word of God nor lived according to it. My conversion to Christianity should have changed me. I should have been a better parent than my parents. But I wasn’t. Finally, the concept of parenting by example became real to me. I took on the mold of the examples my parents lived out before me and I imbibed the domestic aura they created for me and my siblings in our formative years. Unless that part of me is presented to Christ for cleansing and rebuilding (regenerating), that part of me would remain un-reborn (broken) and in dire need of healing. I had to have dialogues with my children and I had to confess and apologize and had reconciliations with them. It was painful and humbling, in the least.  I would say this course was pivotal for me even for just this one important lesson learned.

Also, at the onset of 2018 I joined a church group that majors on inner healing and deliverance. What is that? As I had always mentioned in this blog, most of our illnesses are psychosomatic. Most physical illnesses have emotional or psychological roots. So, this group is learning from Bible mentors on how to receive emotional healing through prayer and counseling and in turn also to pray and counsel people for emotional healing, if it is perceived that their physical ailment is rooted in emotional brokenness. They are also taught that if a demon presents itself during the counseling and prayer, then the demon has to be cast out in a sensitive, biblical and dignified manner. This group is also taught how to receive prophetic words from the Holy Spirit and give it to the person/s to whom the edifying words are for. Hence, last year I learned a bit more on this through this church group, on top of the things I had previously learned from books, conferences, YouTube vids, etc., and my own personal time with God.

How does this impact me personally?

I had blogged here before about a physical healing I had on an inflammation called trigger finger. I had shared that I was healed after I started taking a herbal supplement of Moringga capsules. I had also shared that I was robbed once in front of our house and my right wrist was injured. It was in a soft cast for about five weeks. Apparently, when it was removed it did not heal completely at once. I continued having a kind of pain and stiffness on the ring finger and pinky and the area below them. That was early 2016. Then on top of that the ring finger started showing symptoms of trigger finger, maybe about a year later, in 2017. By around end of 2017 I remembered Moringga. I thought it is time to put it to good use again. Before that I was just taking the multivitamin VG7 on and off. So, I started a regular regimen of daily Moringga capsule intake. I expected the trigger finger to get better after one week just like last time. It didn’t. I waited a month. It still didn’t. I finished the whole bottle (60 caps, i.e. two months), it still didn’t. Now I thought, this is going to be embarrassing. The healing I had the first time was a fluke? Well, obviously, this one needs more than just Moringga. Well, it was time to pray for healing, seriously. I needed a miracle from God!

The inflammation went on until one day a miracle did happen. It was early 2018.  I suddenly started having a sharp inflammation-like kind of pain on my left index finger. I was so annoyed by it. One night when my older daughter and I were having our mother-and-daughter bonding time at a restaurant I mentioned it to her. I told her that it is very strange that I am getting this kind of pain on my left hand when usually, I get this kind of pain only on my right. I presumed it’s because my right hand is more overworked than my left. (I have looked online and they say trigger finger usually affects older women like me because of repetitive motions like doing house chores.) So, she asked me when it exactly started. I told her it was just on the Wednesday night when we attended a church meeting. She remembered that Wednesday night I had told her I was so embarrassed because we were coming in to the church meeting very late. She also remembered that the Sunday before that Wednesday I had told her how embarrassed I was when my “signs and wonders” child made so much noise in church I had to walk her out while the pastor stopped preaching and waited for us to move out. A series of embarrassing events had recently occurred to me. My daughter said, “Mommy, I think that pain is caused by ‘shame’. You are just overly sensitive to embarrassment and it is now affecting your body and manifesting as pain.”  At that time we were also talking about how our senior pastor’s wife had mentioned at our EHS class that “our body is the best prophet and that we should listen to it.” She had said that most often the emotions we ignore manifest as ailments in our bodies. So, my daughter reminded me of that because she herself had experienced pain in her body before which she identified as an emotion/s she was having right at that time. I thought about it. I said, "I think you're right." A few moments later I realized the pain on my left hand was gone! Totally gone, suddenly, from a ten to a zero! I told my daughter about it and we were shocked! We didn’t even pray for healing nor rebuke any spirit. We just talked about it and it disappeared!

In our next inner healing and deliverance church meeting there were prophetic words being called out and one of them was “shame”. I thought, “That’s me!” So, I went forward to be prayed for, and indeed, nobody else did, just me. I told the lady who called out the prophetic word about how I knew it was me, relating to her the story that happened with me and my daughter at the restaurant.

Then after that I reflected more where the root of this “shame” is coming from for me. I realized that my childhood was very much entrenched in shame. I come from a big family and my parents struggled sending us all to school financially. I remember going to school with holes in my socks. I remember not having a new box of crayons like everyone else whenever the new school year started. I remember I sometimes wore mended uniforms which were hand-me-downs from my older sister. My siblings and I also had to commute farther to school as we lived in the next town from where our city schools were located. I was often late because of lack of transportation and was reproved for it. We also spoke a different dialect from the city school where we studied. So, we spoke our own dialect at home but spoke the city dialect in school although it was just a 30-minute commute away. Often, I forgot to switch and my classmates would laugh at me because it’s the language of "backward rural people." I stood out for the odd and wrong reasons.

Besides all these there had been many embarrassing things I had to go through even in the last 30-40 years of my adult life. They probably should not have injured me inwardly that much but because I had these childhood wounds from shame, whatever embarrassment I have has a spiked effect on me because of that unhealed brokenness.

The trigger finger pain on my right ring finger still went on. I had prayed for its healing but it just won’t seem to go away. I stopped taking the Moringga capsules after I finished that whole bottle. Some months later I attended a Global Awakening (Randy Clark’s ministry) meeting held in our area and I went forward for prayer for that trigger finger. That was in late 2018. When it was my turn for prayer it was revealed that one of the associates had actually received a prophetic word for “trigger finger” but did not call it out. So, I was prayed for and I felt there was a reduction in the pain, from maybe a level 10 to a 6. For many days after that it remained at 6. It was still painful. I thought the healing prayer was just taking time to complete its job. But the pain did not leave at all even after weeks had passed. Finally, I thought, “What if this trigger finger was after all also just caused by ‘shame’, knowing that ‘shame’ seems to be a major issue of my life?” So, I thought, what is there to lose if I just try it? I started rebuking it as shame. I would just speak to it something like, “Shame, you have to leave now! Your cover is blown! You have no right over my body! I am covered by the blood of Jesus!” Or while massaging that finger I would say something like, “Shame, I apply the blood of Jesus upon you now! Go, in the name of Jesus!” Interchangeably sometimes I would also just pray, "Pain / inflammation, you have to leave. You have no place in my body anymore because I am in Christ!"

I did not observe a sudden change but as the days went by just praying that kind of prayer, the pain did reduce and sometimes it’s just a stiffness, and then it was down to zero! I don’t exactly remember when it left but all I know is it’s gone for 2-3 months now. I just know it’s gone! I am healed! And to think it was bothering me for about a year.

I had other healings and deliverances in the past year but suffice it to say God showed up miraculously and tremendously for me. I believe He has greater things ahead of me, not just in healing or knowledge on His healing power but in all of His Ways and Person. I know my narrative will probably get edited or fine-tuned many more times, and there may be more temptations of embarrassments, but I am trusting God at how my uniquely weird life is unfolding. I know my life and testimony are in the safest of Hands. For that I have great expectations and hopes for 2019!

I’m sure you have your own stories, too. Let me know in your comments below. A happy and blessed 2019 to you all!

All Scripture references are from the 1984 New International Version, unless otherwise specified.
If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2019, Jan8). Happy New Year 2019! [Blog Post]. Retrieved from  http://purejoyland.com/2019/01/happy-new-year-2019/
This is a reblog. If you wish to read more of my blogs, please log on to www.purejoyland.com www.purejoyland.com

Friday, November 23, 2018

Gardening Lessons I Learned This Year

In my last blog I said that I love watching things grow in summer and the reason I love gardening is because with just a little water, some sunshine and good soil, voile! You have bountiful produce in no time! Well, nothing can be further from that this year. I had birds pecking on my seedlings, whiteflies and ants infesting my young vines, more birds pecking on fruit buds and whoa, humans pilfering the fruits, too! By and large, a very interesting and challenging growing season! :)

May 25, 2018

Jul 3, 2018

Jul 12, 2018

By the middle of July they had already reached the top of our trellis. They grew lots of leaves and branches too, so thick at the bottom that I was alerted to check on them when a friend told me she had powdery mildew on her grape vines.  I looked up the remedy and cause of powdery mildew online and it says it is mainly dew to overcrowding. It occurs when the growth becomes too profuse and the best mitigation measure is to thin out the growth. I thought I better check on my bitter gourds, too.  True enough, I was too late! They were already badly infested with whiteflies! How did I know they were whiteflies? No, I didn't. I looked up pictures of common garden pests online and that's how I identified the unwelcome guests in my plants!

Jul 14, 2018 - Whiteflies infestation

The attack was quite bad. I could not take a good pic of the most badly affected leaves because I did not want to disturb the whiteflies in them. I quickly cut off those leaves and isolated them in a plastic bag. I did that to prevent them from moving to the other plants in the garden and come back to infest my bitter gourd vines again once they recover from the gutting.

Jul 14, 2018 - Gutted vines.

Yes, in a drastic move to save the vines I applied the "scorched earth method" - I totally trimmed off the leaves and left only the buds at the top. See pic above. This removed most of the whiteflies and whatever larvae / eggs left behind would have limited greens to feed on. I also watched a vid on YouTube where some gardeners used water to hose down the whiteflies from hibiscus plants. I did that too, but soon regretted it because it turned out bitter gourd buds are too fragile for that treatment. The water jet blew away almost all the tender buds!
I was trying to keep to the natural ways of averting the pest attack so I looked online for the best plant repellent for whiteflies. French marigold, alliums (green onions and garlic) were among those I found. I used French marigold and green onions because they were the most readily available. I planted them immediately and ten days later they were quite established and healthy. Meanwhile, I kept manually brushing off new growths of whiteflies off the leaves. I also found out online that you can make a solution of chili pepper and garlic and spray it on the vines as the smell of those spices also repel whiteflies and other insects. So, I did that, too. I also did more mulching. I discovered that tansy is a kind of flower that strongly repels whiteflies because of its strong pungent smell. I realized that the weeds I had used for mulching two years ago kind of looked like tansy. Maybe it was its wild relative. So, I looked up those weeds again and used them for mulching, as well as dried leaves and whatever plant material I could get hold of. I believe these measures did help keep the infestation at bay because the whitefly population decreased severely after that.

Jul 24, 2018 The tops bounce back.

After ten days the tops had grown to a healthy mass of foliage. There were already some fruit buds on the vines when the infestation occurred so, fruiting for this year was delayed by one week.
Jul 24, 2018 The insect repellent plants French marigold and green onions were established by now.
Soon after that  I noticed something else. Tiny reddish-golden ants had grown in number and were over-running the vines, feeding on the succulent buds. According to my readings online, ants work in synergy with whiteflies because they feed on the wastes of the whiteflies. Hence, it was only logical that ants would become my next problem.
I looked online again for the natural remedies against ant infestation. I found this site where I got tips on how to get rid of garden ants using whatever you have at home - detergent, vegetable oil, water, white vinegar, etc. So, I followed their advice: Mix one teaspoon of dishwashing liquid soap and one and a half teaspoons of olive oil with some water. Now  that was kind of tricky because I had to guess how much "some" water meant. I used only one cup of water and it probably turned out too concentrated. I also poured white vinegar on the ground where the ant nests were. Another method mentioned in the same article is by introducing nematodes into the soil. The nematodes invade the ant nests and prey on them. The only nematodes I know are those that naturally occur with mung beans. So, I thought I would plant mung beans in my garden (as I did two years ago) but I didn't have any in my pantry at that time so I grabbed any beans I could find. I planted small red beans instead and they actually grew!
The young bitter gourd leaves sprayed on got "burned"! The burnt effect didn't appear quickly but after the buds turned into fully-formed leaves the brown spots appeared and those leaves withered. The ones that were not sprayed on were good.

The first fruits were small, averaging 5 inches in length and the young leaves  were affected by the home-made ant spray.

I had to trim off the withered leaves but the vines grew healthy. The ants reduced a lot towards the end of the planting season, too. The vines flourished and the fruits that followed were bigger and did not look blighted.

Eventually, the vines filled up the trellis and bore more fruits than I had two years ago. More in number but smaller in size. The majority averaged only about 6 inches long and 2-2.5 inches wide. The ones I had two years ago were averaging at 8 inches long and 3 inches wide. Now I wonder whether it's because the vines this year were infested, affecting the size, or it's because I planted more vines this time (5 vines instead of 2). I also wonder whether it's because I harvested my fruits earlier this year because if I didn't collect them early enough they got pilfered! I had no chance to wait for them to grow bigger.

Mature vines and fruits.

At the beginning of the planting season I was lazy to do a lot of mulching and instead I thought I would just use organic fertilizer to enrich the soil.

The organic manure I used as fertilizer.

This turned out to be a bad idea as it made the plants grow lots of leaves and branches at the bottom and created over-crowding which set the stage for whiteflies infestation. Apparently, mulching is the best way to go as it fertilizes the soil gradually and keeps the moisture in efficiently, causing slow but steady and healthy growth. Of course, it probably would have helped if I did not plant too many vines. I had to cut down four vines after I discovered the infestation, leaving only five.
Obviously, I didn't know anything about over-crowding plants before this. I thought the more plants I have, the more fruits I would get.

The small red beans I planted to boost the nematode population in my garden.

With the whiteflies and ant infestations I had this year I realized my success at growing bitter gourds two years ago (without any problems with pests) was because I did many things right, just by chance. I grew celery and green onions  as early as spring. This year I found out that alliums (green onions is an allium) and cilantro are insect pest repellents. Celery is not exactly cilantro but they are kind of related. It is the essence of these plants that repel the insects. Two years ago I planted mung beans just for fun to see if it would grow and knowing that they grow fast, they could increase the nitrogen content of my garden soil and I could use some of the plants as mulch when I thin them out. This year I found out that another benefit of beans, besides enhancing soil fertility, is ant control. I may not know whether the particular nematodes that grow with small red beans  are really the type that inhibit ant population growth but i would surely plant beans again as a companion crop when I plant my vegetables. Two years ago I continually mulched my bitter gourd plants with leaves, weeds, dry leaves, etc., whatever plant materials I could find. I did not use any fertilizer, organic nor inorganic. I totally depended on the mulch to fertilize the soil. That made my bitter gourd vines grow steadily, no growth spurts, no sudden overcrowding of leaves and branches. I also found out that the underlying concept in permaculture homesteading is mulching. It is a sustainable way to feed people organically although not many may have the means to own enough land to do that.  Two years ago I grew only two vines, because those were all that germinated from the many seeds I planted. That itself prevented overcrowding. This year, after I responded to the challenges of the infestations of my bitter gourds, towards the end of the planting season I noticed I had a good mix of organisms in my garden, including ladybugs which I had taken for granted two years ago.

In summary, these are the hard lessons I learned about vegetable gardening this year:
  1. Don't be lazy. Grow the spring season vegetables  in spring (celery and green onions). They set a clean and safe environment for your summer vegetables. They will slow down in growth in the hot summer season but they would have fended away the harmful insects from the summer vegetables by then. Keep them growing as they will survive when the cool fall season sets in and you can keep harvesting them till the first snowfall.
  2. Don't be lazy. Don't resort to organic fertilizers from the market. They can cause growth overdrive and cause overcrowding which will attract pests. Do continuous mulching instead.
  3. Don't do shortcuts. Grow seedlings in spring and replant them into your garden in summer. That's how you fend off birds pecking on your seedlings.
  4. Don't let your plants leave ground without their companion crops. Farmers don't plant flowers with their crops for beauty. They are there to fend away pests! French marigolds are attractive, pungent and go well with bitter gourd vines. God meant plants to thrive symbiotically. Beans help fertilize your soil and also, apparently, fends off ants.
  5. Prevent overcrowding by planting plants about three feet away from each other. Don't be simplistic and greedy thinking you can get more yields by planting more. It's counterproductive.

Companion plants (green onions, French marigolds and small red beans) - don't let your garden plants leave ground without them.

So, did I have a happy summer? Oh yes, I did!  Watching my plants grow and learning a few more gardening tricks make life more interesting than ever! Happiness is having plants! Let me know how your own planting season went in your comments below. Meanwhile,  Happy Thanksgiving to those of us in America! Hope to see you all again in my next blog!
(1) P. Allen Smith Garden Home Staff. (2014, Oct 26).17 Plants to Control Pests [Article]. Retrieved from https://pallensmith.com/2014/10/26/17-plants-control-pests/ Access Date  Jul 14, 2018.
(2) Oder, Tom. (2014, Oct 2). 12 plants that repel unwanted insects [Article]. Retrieved from https://www.mnn.com/your-home/organic-farming-gardening/stories/12-plants-that-repel-unwanted-insects Access Date Jul 14, 2018.
(3) Bogdanowicz, Richard. (2017, Feb 6). Repel Pests with Plants [Blog Post] Retrieved from https://permaculturenews.org/2017/02/06/repel-pests-plants/ Access Date Jul 14, 2018.
(4) Lohmiller, Becky and George. (Undated). Companion Planting Guide [Blog Post]. Retrieved from https://www.almanac.com/content/companion-planting-guide Access Date Jul 14, 2018.
(5) Fantastic Gardeners Team. (2017, Mar 7). Ant Killer tactics - How to Get Rid of Ants in the Garden [Blog Post]. Retrieved from  https://blog.fantasticgardeners.co.uk/ant-killer-tactics/ Access Date Aug 6, 2018.
(6) Cuervo, M. and Medina, C., et al. (Undated). Nematodes - common bean [Article]. Retrieved from https://cropgenebank.sgrp.cgiar.org/index.php/management-mainmenu-434/stogs-mainmenu-238/common-bean/guidelines/nematodes Access Date Aug 7, 2018.
If you wish to cite this blog, citation is as follows: PureJoyLand. (2018, Nov 20).  [Blog Post]. Retrieved from http://purejoyland.com/2015/11/gardening-lessons-this-year/
This is a re-blog. If you wish to read more of my blogs please log on to www.purejoyland.com



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The Many Versions of Love Stories 1. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. They live happily ever after. 2. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. The marriage sours, they part, and live happily ever after. 3. Boy meets girl, they fall in love, kiss and marry. Then boy finds out it's more fun to be girl... or girl finds out it's more fun to be boy, they part, change sexes and live happily ever after. 4.Finally, boy or girl meets God. It's love at first sight... The roads went rough, the tides rose high, the strong winds blew and the quake shook the ground... but they truly live happily ever after, forever and ever. 5. Try God's love... it's always happy forever after, and the story never ends. :-D